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Zinc Deposits & Projects

Mount Isa Mines

Mount Isa Mines, located in Mount Isa, Queensland, Australia, is one of the world's largest mining operations. Owned by Glencore, the mine is renowned for its extensive production of zinc, copper, lead, and silver. The mining complex includes two separate underground mines: the Enterprise mine, which primarily produces copper, and the George Fisher mine, which primarily produces zinc-lead-silver.

Key points about Mount Isa Mines:

  1. History and Significance: Established in the 1920s, Mount Isa Mines has a rich history and has been a significant contributor to the economy of Queensland and the mining industry globally.

  2. Production: The site is known for its substantial output, producing millions of tonnes of ore annually. It is a major supplier of copper and zinc, with significant contributions of lead and silver as well.

  3. Operations: The complex includes underground mines, ore concentrators, and smelting operations. The copper smelter and lead smelter process the extracted ores to produce refined metals.

  4. Technology and Innovation: Mount Isa Mines employs advanced mining and processing technologies to increase efficiency and reduce environmental impact. Continuous improvements and investments in technology have maintained its status as a world-class mining operation.

  5. Economic Impact: As one of the largest employers in the region, Mount Isa Mines plays a crucial role in the local economy. It supports numerous jobs and provides significant economic benefits to the community and the state of Queensland.

  6. Environmental and Community Initiatives: Glencore, the owner, emphasizes sustainable practices and community engagement. Environmental management programs are in place to minimize the impact of mining activities, and community programs support local development and well-being.

McArthur River

The McArthur River Mine is one of the world's largest zinc, lead, and silver mines, located in the Northern Territory of Australia. Operated by Glencore, the mine is situated near the McArthur River, about 70 kilometers southwest of Borroloola.

Key points about the McArthur River Mine:

  1. History and Development: Discovered in the 1950s, the McArthur River Mine commenced operations in 1995. Initially an underground mine, it transitioned to an open-pit operation in 2006 to access more extensive ore reserves.

  2. Production: The mine is a significant global supplier of zinc, producing over 5% of the world's supply. It also produces substantial amounts of lead and silver as by-products. The ore is processed on-site to produce zinc and lead concentrates.

  3. Operations: McArthur River Mine utilizes open-pit mining methods and state-of-the-art processing facilities, including a concentrator and a tailings storage facility. The processing plant separates valuable minerals from the ore to produce high-quality concentrates for export.

  4. Economic Impact: The mine is a critical economic driver for the Northern Territory, providing employment opportunities and contributing to regional and national economies. It supports local businesses and services through its operations and procurement activities.

  5. Environmental Management: Glencore places a strong emphasis on environmental stewardship at McArthur River Mine. Comprehensive environmental management plans are in place to mitigate the impact of mining activities, including water management, dust control, and rehabilitation of disturbed areas.

  6. Community Engagement: The mine engages actively with local communities, particularly the Indigenous communities of the region. It supports various community development programs, education initiatives, and infrastructure projects to enhance the well-being of the surrounding areas.

  7. Challenges and Controversies: McArthur River Mine has faced environmental and social challenges, including concerns over the impacts of its operations on local waterways and ecosystems. Glencore has undertaken significant efforts to address these concerns, implementing robust monitoring and management practices.

  8. Future Prospects: With ongoing exploration and development activities, the McArthur River Mine aims to extend its mine life and continue being a major player in the global zinc market. Investments in technology and infrastructure are expected to enhance efficiency and sustainability.

Dugald River

The Dugald River Mine is a significant zinc, lead, and silver mining operation located in northwest Queensland, Australia. Owned and operated by MMG Limited, Dugald River is one of the world's highest-grade known zinc deposits.

Key points about the Dugald River Mine:

  1. History and Development: The Dugald River deposit was discovered in the 1990s, and the mine officially commenced production in 2017. It represents a major development project for MMG, contributing substantially to the company's zinc production portfolio.

  2. Production: The mine has a production capacity of approximately 170,000 tonnes of zinc concentrate annually, along with by-products including lead and silver. It produces high-quality zinc concentrate that is exported to international markets.

  3. Operations: Dugald River is an underground mining operation utilizing modern mining methods and equipment. The mine features a processing plant that crushes and grinds the ore before flotation is used to separate the valuable minerals from waste rock.

  4. Economic Impact: The mine is a significant contributor to the regional economy of northwest Queensland, providing employment opportunities and supporting local businesses. It plays a crucial role in MMG's overall production strategy and the global zinc supply chain.

  5. Environmental Management: MMG is committed to sustainable mining practices at Dugald River. The mine operates under strict environmental regulations and employs measures to minimize its environmental footprint, including water management, waste reduction, and land rehabilitation programs.

  6. Community Engagement: Dugald River Mine engages actively with local communities, particularly the Indigenous communities in the region. MMG supports various community initiatives, including education, health, and infrastructure projects, to ensure that the benefits of mining are shared with local residents.

  7. Safety and Technology: Safety is a top priority at Dugald River, with comprehensive safety protocols and training programs in place to protect workers. The mine also leverages advanced technology to enhance operational efficiency and reduce environmental impacts.

  8. Future Prospects: Ongoing exploration activities aim to extend the mine's life and expand its resource base. MMG continues to invest in the mine's infrastructure and technology to improve production efficiency and maintain its competitive edge in the zinc market.


The Antamina Mine, located in the Andes Mountains of Peru, is one of the largest and most productive mining operations in the world. It is jointly owned by BHP, Glencore, Teck Resources, and Mitsubishi Corporation, and is renowned for its substantial production of copper and zinc, along with significant quantities of molybdenum and silver.

Key points about the Antamina Mine:

  1. History and Ownership: The Antamina deposit was discovered in the 1950s, with full-scale production commencing in 2001. The ownership structure includes major stakeholders: BHP (33.75%), Glencore (33.75%), Teck Resources (22.5%), and Mitsubishi Corporation (10%).

  2. Production: Antamina is one of the world's largest producers of copper and zinc concentrates. The mine processes approximately 450,000 tonnes of ore daily, yielding significant amounts of copper, zinc, molybdenum, silver, and lead. Annual production figures typically include hundreds of thousands of tonnes of copper and zinc.

  3. Operations: The mine employs open-pit mining methods and features a state-of-the-art processing plant that includes crushing, grinding, and flotation circuits. The concentrates are transported via a 302-kilometer pipeline to the port of Huarmey for export.

  4. Economic Impact: Antamina is a major economic driver in Peru, providing substantial employment opportunities and contributing significantly to local and national economies through taxes, royalties, and social investments.

  5. Environmental Management: Antamina places a strong emphasis on environmental stewardship. The mine operates under stringent environmental regulations, focusing on water management, waste reduction, and land rehabilitation. Advanced technologies are used to monitor and mitigate environmental impacts.

  6. Community Engagement: The mine engages actively with surrounding communities, investing in various social development programs, including education, healthcare, infrastructure, and sustainable development projects. Antamina works closely with local stakeholders to ensure the benefits of mining are shared.

  7. Safety and Technology: Safety is a top priority at Antamina, with robust safety protocols and continuous training programs for its workforce. The mine leverages advanced technology and automation to improve operational efficiency and safety standards.

  8. Future Prospects: Antamina continues to invest in exploration and development to extend the mine's life and expand its resource base. Ongoing projects aim to enhance production efficiency and ensure long-term sustainability


The Gamsberg Mine, located in the Northern Cape province of South Africa, is a major zinc mining operation owned by Vedanta Zinc International. It is one of the largest undeveloped zinc deposits in the world and represents a significant asset for Vedanta.

Key points about the Gamsberg Mine:

  1. History and Development: The Gamsberg deposit has been known for several decades, but extensive development and production activities began in the mid-2010s. The mine officially commenced production in 2018.

  2. Production: Gamsberg Mine is designed to produce approximately 250,000 tonnes of zinc concentrate annually at full capacity. The mine focuses primarily on zinc, but also generates minor quantities of lead and silver as by-products.

  3. Operations: The mine employs open-pit mining methods, utilizing modern mining techniques and equipment to extract and process ore. The on-site processing plant crushes and grinds the ore, followed by flotation to produce zinc concentrate.

  4. Economic Impact: Gamsberg Mine plays a crucial role in the regional economy, providing employment opportunities and supporting local businesses. It is a key part of Vedanta's zinc portfolio and contributes significantly to South Africa's mining sector.

  5. Environmental Management: Vedanta places a high priority on environmental sustainability at Gamsberg. The mine operates under stringent environmental regulations and implements comprehensive measures to manage water usage, minimize waste, and rehabilitate mined areas.

  6. Community Engagement: The mine engages with local communities through various social development programs. These initiatives include education, healthcare, and infrastructure projects aimed at improving the quality of life for nearby residents.

  7. Safety and Technology: Safety is paramount at Gamsberg, with rigorous safety protocols and continuous training programs in place to protect workers. The mine also employs advanced technology to enhance operational efficiency and safety standards.

  8. Future Prospects: Vedanta is committed to expanding the Gamsberg Mine's production capacity and extending its life. Ongoing exploration and development activities aim to identify additional resources and improve overall production efficiency

Rampura Agucha

The Rampura Agucha Mine, located in the Bhilwara district of Rajasthan, India, is one of the world's largest and richest zinc-lead deposits. Operated by Hindustan Zinc Limited (HZL), a subsidiary of Vedanta Limited, Rampura Agucha is renowned for its substantial production capacity and high-grade ore.

Key points about the Rampura Agucha Mine:

  1. History and Development: Discovered in 1977, Rampura Agucha has grown to become a world-leading zinc and lead mine. It commenced production in 1991 and has undergone several phases of expansion to increase its output and efficiency.

  2. Production: The mine is one of the top producers of zinc in the world, with an annual production capacity of over 1.5 million tonnes of ore. It produces significant quantities of zinc and lead concentrates, along with minor quantities of silver.

  3. Operations: Rampura Agucha employs both open-pit and underground mining methods. The transition to underground mining began in 2010 to access deeper ore bodies, complementing the extensive open-pit operations. The processing plant at the site includes crushing, grinding, and flotation circuits to produce zinc and lead concentrates.

  4. Economic Impact: The mine is a major contributor to the regional economy, providing thousands of direct and indirect employment opportunities. It significantly boosts the local economy through various procurement activities and social investment programs.

  5. Environmental Management: Hindustan Zinc is committed to sustainable mining practices at Rampura Agucha. The mine operates under strict environmental regulations, focusing on water conservation, waste management, and land reclamation. Advanced technologies are used to minimize environmental impact and enhance resource efficiency.

  6. Community Engagement: The mine actively engages with local communities through various Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. These programs include education, healthcare, infrastructure development, and livelihood enhancement projects aimed at improving the quality of life for local residents.

  7. Safety and Technology: Safety is a top priority at Rampura Agucha, with comprehensive safety protocols and continuous training programs in place to ensure the well-being of workers. The mine also leverages advanced technology and automation to improve operational efficiency and safety standards.

  8. Future Prospects: Hindustan Zinc continues to invest in the expansion and modernization of Rampura Agucha. Ongoing exploration and development activities aim to extend the mine's life and increase its production capacity. Future projects focus on enhancing sustainability and reducing environmental impact.

Red Dog

The Red Dog Mine, located in the remote northwest region of Alaska, is one of the world's largest zinc mines. It is operated by Teck Resources Limited in partnership with NANA Regional Corporation, an Alaska Native corporation.

Key points about the Red Dog Mine:

  1. History and Development: Discovered in the 1960s, Red Dog began operations in 1989. It was developed through a partnership between Teck Resources and NANA Regional Corporation, providing significant economic benefits to the local Indigenous communities.

  2. Production: Red Dog is a major producer of zinc, contributing roughly 5% of the world's zinc supply. The mine also produces significant quantities of lead and minor amounts of silver as by-products. Its annual production capacity is over 1 million tonnes of zinc concentrate.

  3. Operations: The mine employs open-pit mining methods and features a state-of-the-art processing plant that includes crushing, grinding, and flotation circuits. The processed concentrates are transported via a 52-mile (84 km) dedicated haul road to a port facility on the Chukchi Sea, from where they are shipped to smelters around the world.

  4. Economic Impact: Red Dog is a vital economic engine for northwest Alaska, providing employment opportunities and contributing to local economies through wages, taxes, and royalties. The mine is a significant source of revenue for NANA Regional Corporation and its shareholders.

  5. Environmental Management: Teck Resources is committed to high environmental standards at Red Dog. The mine operates under stringent environmental regulations and has implemented comprehensive measures to manage water quality, air quality, and waste. Continuous monitoring ensures compliance with environmental standards, and land reclamation projects are ongoing.

  6. Community Engagement: The mine actively engages with local communities, particularly the Iñupiat people, through various social and economic development programs. The partnership with NANA ensures that local Indigenous communities benefit from the mine's operations. Initiatives include education, healthcare, infrastructure development, and cultural preservation projects.

  7. Safety and Technology: Safety is a top priority at Red Dog, with robust safety protocols and continuous training programs in place to protect workers. The mine also utilizes advanced technology and automation to enhance operational efficiency and safety standards.

  8. Future Prospects: Ongoing exploration and development activities aim to extend the life of the Red Dog Mine and increase its production capacity. Teck Resources continues to invest in infrastructure and technology to ensure sustainable and efficient operations.


The Neves-Corvo Mine, located in the Alentejo region of southern Portugal, is a significant copper and zinc mining operation. It is owned and operated by Lundin Mining Corporation.

Key points about the Neves-Corvo Mine:

  1. History and Development: Discovered in 1977, the Neves-Corvo Mine began production in 1988. Originally focused on copper, the mine has expanded to include zinc and other metals over the years.

  2. Production: Neves-Corvo is a major producer of both copper and zinc. The mine also produces lead and silver as by-products. In recent years, Lundin Mining has increased zinc production capacity through the Zinc Expansion Project (ZEP), enhancing the mine’s output capabilities.

  3. Operations: The mine employs both underground mining methods and modern processing techniques. It features multiple ore bodies and a well-equipped processing plant that includes crushing, grinding, flotation, and filtering circuits to produce high-quality copper and zinc concentrates.

  4. Economic Impact: Neves-Corvo is a key economic contributor in southern Portugal, providing substantial employment opportunities and supporting local businesses. It is a significant source of revenue for the region and the country through taxes and royalties.

  5. Environmental Management: Lundin Mining is committed to sustainable mining practices at Neves-Corvo. The mine operates under strict environmental regulations, focusing on water management, waste reduction, and land reclamation. Environmental monitoring programs ensure compliance and minimize the ecological footprint.

  6. Community Engagement: The mine engages actively with local communities through various social responsibility programs. Lundin Mining supports education, healthcare, and infrastructure development projects, aiming to improve the quality of life for residents in the surrounding areas.

  7. Safety and Technology: Safety is paramount at Neves-Corvo, with rigorous safety protocols and continuous training programs in place to ensure the well-being of workers. The mine also leverages advanced technology to enhance operational efficiency and maintain high safety standards.

  8. Future Prospects: Lundin Mining continues to invest in exploration and development at Neves-Corvo to extend the mine’s life and expand its resource base. Ongoing projects aim to increase production efficiency and explore new ore bodies to sustain long-term operations.


The Kipushi project, located in the Katanga Province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), is a significant high-grade zinc and copper mine. It is owned by Kipushi Corporation (KICO), a joint venture between Ivanhoe Mines and Gécamines, the state-owned mining company of the DRC.

Key points about the Kipushi Mine:

  1. History and Development: Discovered in 1905, the Kipushi Mine has a long history of production, primarily for copper and zinc, with intermittent operations due to various geopolitical and economic factors. Ivanhoe Mines acquired its interest in the mine in 2011 and has since undertaken significant exploration and development activities to modernize the operation.

  2. Production: Kipushi is renowned for its exceptionally high-grade zinc and copper resources. The mine also produces significant quantities of lead, germanium, and precious metals like silver. Historical production has included over 6.6 million tonnes of zinc and 4 million tonnes of copper.

  3. Operations: The mine employs underground mining methods. Ivanhoe Mines has implemented extensive refurbishment and modernization efforts, including the upgrading of mining infrastructure, dewatering of the underground workings, and installation of new processing facilities. The mine's future plans include state-of-the-art processing plants to produce high-grade zinc and copper concentrates.

  4. Economic Impact: Kipushi is a critical asset for the regional economy, providing employment opportunities and contributing to local economic development. It is also a significant source of revenue for the DRC through taxes, royalties, and partnership with Gécamines.

  5. Environmental Management: Ivanhoe Mines is committed to sustainable mining practices at Kipushi. The company has instituted comprehensive environmental management plans, focusing on water management, waste reduction, and land rehabilitation. Environmental monitoring programs ensure compliance with local and international standards.

  6. Community Engagement: Kipushi Corporation engages actively with local communities, investing in various social development programs. Initiatives include education, healthcare, infrastructure projects, and support for local businesses, aiming to improve the quality of life for nearby residents.

  7. Safety and Technology: Safety is a top priority at Kipushi, with stringent safety protocols and continuous training programs in place to protect workers. The mine leverages advanced technology and automation to enhance operational efficiency and maintain high safety standards.

  8. Future Prospects: The Kipushi Project is focused on advancing towards full-scale commercial production. Ivanhoe Mines is dedicated to further exploration and development to expand the mine's resource base and extend its life. The project's high-grade zinc and copper reserves position it as a key player in the global mining industry.


The Cordero project, located in the Chihuahua state of Mexico, is a prominent silver and polymetallic project. It is one of the largest undeveloped silver resources in the world and is currently being developed by Discovery Silver Corp.

Key points about the Cordero Mine:

  1. History and Development: The Cordero project was discovered in the early 2000s and has been subject to extensive exploration and development since then. Discovery Silver Corp. acquired the project in 2019 and has been actively advancing it toward production.

  2. Production Potential: Cordero is known for its substantial silver resources, with significant quantities of lead and zinc as by-products. The project’s potential production capacity is estimated to be one of the highest in the world for a silver mine, positioning it as a future major player in the global silver market.

  3. Operations: Currently in the advanced exploration and development phase, Cordero will employ open-pit mining methods. The project includes plans for modern processing facilities capable of producing high-quality silver, lead, and zinc concentrates. Ongoing drilling and feasibility studies aim to optimize the mine plan and ensure efficient, cost-effective operations.

  4. Economic Impact: The development of the Cordero Mine is expected to have a significant economic impact on the region, providing numerous employment opportunities and supporting local businesses. It will also contribute to the economy through taxes, royalties, and other revenues.

  5. Environmental Management: Discovery Silver is committed to high environmental standards at Cordero. The project will implement comprehensive environmental management plans, focusing on water conservation, waste management, and land reclamation. Continuous monitoring will ensure compliance with environmental regulations.

  6. Community Engagement: The company is dedicated to engaging with local communities and stakeholders. Community development programs will focus on education, healthcare, infrastructure, and sustainable development initiatives, aiming to create long-term positive impacts for the local population.

  7. Safety and Technology: Safety is a critical priority at Cordero, with stringent safety protocols and regular training programs to protect workers. The mine will utilize advanced technology and automation to enhance operational efficiency, safety, and environmental stewardship.

  8. Future Prospects: Discovery Silver is focused on advancing the Cordero project towards production, with ongoing exploration and development activities to expand the resource base and optimize the mine plan. The project's large-scale, high-grade silver resources make it a key asset for the company and a significant player in the future of the silver mining industry.

Iska Iska

The Iska Iska project, owned by Eloro Resources Ltd., is a significant polymetallic exploration project located in the Potosí Department of Bolivia.

Key points about the Iska Iska project:

  1. Location: Situated in Bolivia's Potosí Department, the Iska Iska project covers extensive mineralized zones with significant exploration potential.

  2. Mineralization: The project hosts various mineralized zones, including silver-lead-zinc veins, breccias, and stockworks, indicating the presence of a large polymetallic system.

  3. Exploration Progress: Eloro Resources has conducted systematic exploration programs, including drilling and geological studies, to delineate and expand the project's mineral resources.

  4. High-Grade Potential: Initial exploration results have shown promising grades of silver, zinc, lead, and tin, highlighting the project's potential for high-grade mineralization.

  5. Community Engagement: Eloro Resources engages with local communities and stakeholders to ensure responsible exploration practices and address social and environmental concerns.

  6. Future Plans: The company continues to advance the Iska Iska project through ongoing exploration activities, with the goal of delineating mineral resources and advancing towards potential development.


The Zawar Mine is one of the oldest and largest lead-zinc mines in the world, located in the Udaipur District of Rajasthan, India. It has been in operation for over a thousand years and is renowned for its extensive mineral deposits and historical significance.

Key points about the Zawar Mine:

  1. History: The Zawar Mine has a rich history dating back to ancient times when it was operated by the indigenous tribes of Rajasthan. It has been a major source of lead and zinc for centuries and has witnessed various periods of prosperity and decline under different rulers.

  2. Mineralization: The mine is known for its extensive lead-zinc mineralization, with significant reserves of other metals such as silver, cadmium, and copper. The ore bodies are hosted within sedimentary rocks and occur as both massive sulfide deposits and vein-type mineralization.

  3. Operations: The Zawar Mine is operated by Hindustan Zinc Limited, a subsidiary of Vedanta Resources Limited, one of the world's largest integrated producers of zinc, lead, and silver. The mine employs modern underground mining methods, including shaft sinking, drift mining, and mechanized drilling and blasting.

  4. Production: Zawar Mine is a major contributor to India's lead and zinc production, supplying raw materials for various industries, including automotive, construction, and electronics. It produces high-grade concentrates of lead and zinc, along with significant quantities of silver as a by-product.

  5. Environmental Management: Hindustan Zinc Limited is committed to sustainable mining practices and environmental stewardship at the Zawar Mine. The company implements stringent environmental monitoring and mitigation measures to minimize the impact of its operations on the surrounding ecosystem and local communities.

  6. Community Engagement: Hindustan Zinc Limited engages with local communities through various social responsibility initiatives, including education, healthcare, infrastructure development, and livelihood enhancement programs. The company strives to create positive socio-economic impacts and foster harmonious relationships with stakeholders.

  7. Future Prospects: With ongoing exploration and development activities, the Zawar Mine continues to expand its mineral reserves and extend its mine life. Hindustan Zinc Limited invests in modernization and technology upgrades to improve operational efficiency and maintain its position as a leading producer of lead and zinc in India.


The Garpenberg Mine is a significant underground zinc-lead-silver mine located in the Bergslagen mining district of central Sweden. It is operated by Boliden, one of Europe's leading mining and smelting companies.

Key points about the Garpenberg Mine:

  1. History: The Garpenberg Mine has a long history of mining dating back over 800 years. It has been a key producer of zinc, lead, and silver for centuries, with modern mining operations dating back to the 1950s.

  2. Mineralization: The mine is known for its polymetallic mineralization, primarily consisting of zinc, lead, and silver ores. The ore bodies are hosted within volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Svecofennian orogenic belt.

  3. Operations: Garpenberg is one of the most modern and efficient underground mines in the world. Boliden employs advanced mining methods, including sublevel stoping and cut-and-fill, to extract ore from multiple ore bodies at different depths.

  4. Production: The mine produces high-grade zinc, lead, and silver concentrates, which are processed at Boliden's smelters in Sweden and Finland. Garpenberg is a significant contributor to Boliden's overall production and plays a crucial role in the company's zinc and lead supply chain.

  5. Sustainability: Boliden is committed to sustainable mining practices at Garpenberg, focusing on environmental stewardship, resource efficiency, and community engagement. The company invests in environmental monitoring, waste management, and energy efficiency initiatives to minimize its ecological footprint.

  6. Community Engagement: Boliden engages with local communities through various social responsibility programs, including education, healthcare, infrastructure development, and cultural heritage preservation. The company aims to create positive socio-economic impacts and foster long-term relationships with stakeholders.

  7. Future Development: Boliden continues to invest in exploration and development at Garpenberg to extend the mine's life and expand its mineral reserves. Ongoing projects aim to optimize production, improve infrastructure, and implement new technologies to enhance operational efficiency.


The Macpass Zinc Project, owned by Fireweed Metals, is a significant zinc-lead-silver exploration and development project situated in the Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories of Canada. Operated by Fireweed Zinc Ltd., a subsidiary of Fireweed Metals, this project holds considerable potential in the mining sector.

Key points about the Macpass Zinc Project:

  1. Location: Located in the Selwyn Basin, spanning the Yukon-Northwest Territories border, the Macpass Project is strategically positioned in a region known for its mineral-rich deposits.

  2. Mineralization: The project is renowned for its polymetallic mineralization, predominantly zinc, lead, and silver. The mineralized zones within the Paleozoic Selwyn Basin host promising resources.

  3. Exploration and Development: Fireweed Metals is actively conducting exploration and development activities to assess and expand the project's mineral resources. Drilling programs, metallurgical testing, and feasibility studies are underway to evaluate economic viability.

  4. Infrastructure and Environment: The project benefits from accessible infrastructure, including nearby highways, power, and water resources. Fireweed Metals prioritizes responsible environmental practices and community engagement to address social and environmental considerations.

  5. Market Outlook: Positioned amidst the growing global demand for zinc, lead, and silver, the Macpass Zinc Project holds promise for contributing to Canada's mineral industry and meeting market needs.

Rajpura Dariba

The Rajpura Dariba Mine is one of the oldest and largest zinc-lead-silver mines in India, located in the Rajsamand district of Rajasthan. It is operated by Hindustan Zinc Limited, a subsidiary of Vedanta Limited, one of the world's largest integrated producers of zinc, lead, and silver.

Key points about the Rajpura Dariba Mine:

  1. History: The mine has a rich history dating back to the 1980s when it was first developed by Hindustan Zinc Limited. Over the years, it has become a cornerstone of India's mining industry and a significant contributor to the country's zinc and lead production.

  2. Mineralization: Rajpura Dariba is known for its polymetallic mineralization, primarily consisting of zinc, lead, and silver. The ore bodies are hosted within sedimentary rocks of the Aravalli Supergroup and occur as massive sulfide deposits and vein-type mineralization.

  3. Operations: The mine employs modern underground mining methods, including mechanized drilling, blasting, and ore extraction techniques. It operates multiple shafts and underground workings to access the ore bodies located at various depths.

  4. Production: Rajpura Dariba Mine is a major producer of zinc, lead, and silver concentrates, which are processed at Hindustan Zinc's smelters located in Rajasthan and other parts of India. It plays a crucial role in meeting domestic demand for these essential metals.

  5. Sustainability: Hindustan Zinc Limited is committed to sustainable mining practices and environmental stewardship at Rajpura Dariba. The company implements state-of-the-art technologies and environmental management systems to minimize its impact on the environment and surrounding communities.

  6. Community Engagement: Hindustan Zinc engages with local communities through various social responsibility initiatives, including education, healthcare, infrastructure development, and livelihood enhancement programs. The company aims to create positive socio-economic impacts and foster harmonious relationships with stakeholders.

  7. Future Development: With ongoing exploration and development activities, Rajpura Dariba Mine continues to extend its mine life and expand its mineral reserves. Hindustan Zinc invests in modernization and technology upgrades to improve operational efficiency and maintain its position as a leading producer of zinc, lead, and silver in India.

Sindesar Khurd

The Sindesar Khurd Mine is a significant underground zinc-lead-silver mine located in the Rajsamand district of Rajasthan, India. It is operated by Hindustan Zinc Limited, a subsidiary of Vedanta Limited, and is renowned for its high-grade mineral deposits and efficient mining operations.

Key points about the Sindesar Khurd Mine:

  1. Location: Situated in the Rajsamand district of Rajasthan, the Sindesar Khurd Mine is part of the prolific Aravalli Range, a region known for its rich mineral endowment.

  2. Mineralization: The mine is known for its polymetallic mineralization, primarily consisting of zinc, lead, and silver. The ore bodies are hosted within sedimentary rocks of the Aravalli Supergroup and occur as massive sulfide deposits and vein-type mineralization.

  3. Operations: The Sindesar Khurd Mine employs advanced underground mining methods, including mechanized drilling, blasting, and ore extraction techniques. It operates multiple shafts and underground workings to access the ore bodies located at various depths.

  4. Production: The mine is a major producer of zinc, lead, and silver concentrates, which are processed at Hindustan Zinc's smelters located in Rajasthan and other parts of India. It contributes significantly to India's zinc and lead production, meeting domestic demand and supporting industrial growth.

  5. Sustainability: Hindustan Zinc Limited is committed to sustainable mining practices and environmental stewardship at the Sindesar Khurd Mine. The company implements rigorous environmental management systems and invests in technologies to minimize its environmental footprint and conserve natural resources.

  6. Community Engagement: Hindustan Zinc engages with local communities through various social responsibility initiatives, including education, healthcare, infrastructure development, and livelihood enhancement programs. The company prioritizes stakeholder engagement and strives to create positive socio-economic impacts in the region.

  7. Future Development: With ongoing exploration and development activities, the Sindesar Khurd Mine continues to extend its mine life and expand its mineral reserves. Hindustan Zinc invests in exploration drilling, resource delineation, and technology upgrades to optimize production and maintain its position as a leading producer of zinc, lead, and silver in India.

Cardiac Creek

The Cardiac Creek Zinc Project is a significant zinc-lead-silver exploration project located in northeastern British Columbia, Canada. Operated by ZincX Resources Corp., it represents one of the largest undeveloped zinc-lead deposits in the world.

Key points about the Cardiac Creek Zinc Project:

  1. Location: Situated in the Kechika Trough, the project area covers a vast land package in northeastern British Columbia, Canada. It is strategically positioned within a prolific mining region known for its mineral endowment.

  2. Mineralization: The Cardiac Creek Project is characterized by its high-grade zinc-lead-silver mineralization, primarily occurring within sedimentary rock formations of the Earn Group. The mineralization is hosted within carbonate rocks and occurs as massive sulfide deposits.

  3. Exploration History: The project has undergone extensive exploration and drilling programs, which have delineated substantial mineral resources. ZincX Resources Corp. has conducted geological mapping, geophysical surveys, and drilling campaigns to define and expand the project's mineralized zones.

  4. Resource Potential: The Cardiac Creek Project hosts significant zinc, lead, and silver resources, with the potential for further expansion. The project's mineralization is open along strike and at depth, indicating additional exploration upside.

  5. Development Plans: ZincX Resources Corp. is advancing the Cardiac Creek Project through various stages of exploration and feasibility studies. The company aims to delineate mineral reserves, optimize project economics, and advance towards potential mine development.

  6. Infrastructure: The project benefits from favorable infrastructure, including access to transportation networks, power, and water resources. The region's well-developed infrastructure facilitates project development and operational logistics.

  7. Environmental Considerations: ZincX Resources Corp. prioritizes environmental stewardship and responsible mining practices in its exploration activities. The company adheres to stringent environmental regulations and engages with stakeholders to address environmental concerns and minimize impacts.

  8. Market Outlook: The Cardiac Creek Project is strategically positioned to capitalize on the growing demand for zinc, lead, and silver in global markets. With its high-grade mineralization and favorable jurisdiction, the project holds promise for contributing to future mineral supply chains.


The Ayawilca Zinc Project is a prominent zinc-silver-lead exploration project located in the Pasco Region of central Peru. Operated by Tinka Resources Limited, it is considered one of the largest undeveloped zinc projects in Peru.

Key points about the Ayawilca Zinc Project:

  1. Location: Situated in the Andean Cordillera, the Ayawilca Project covers a significant land package in central Peru, within the highly prospective carbonate replacement deposit (CRD) belt.

  2. Mineralization: The project is characterized by its significant zinc, lead, and silver mineralization, primarily occurring within limestone and dolomite formations of the Pucará Group. The mineralization is predominantly of the carbonate replacement deposit (CRD) type.

  3. Exploration History: The Ayawilca Project has undergone extensive exploration activities, including geological mapping, geochemical sampling, geophysical surveys, and drilling campaigns. Tinka Resources has delineated substantial mineral resources through its exploration efforts.

  4. Resource Potential: The project hosts significant zinc, lead, and silver resources, with the potential for further expansion. Tinka Resources continues to explore and delineate mineralized zones, aiming to increase the project's resource base and advance towards potential mine development.

  5. Development Plans: Tinka Resources is advancing the Ayawilca Project through various stages of exploration and feasibility studies. The company aims to define mineral reserves, optimize project economics, and progress towards potential production.

  6. Infrastructure: The project benefits from favorable infrastructure in Peru, including access to transportation networks, power, and water resources. The region's well-established infrastructure supports project development and operational logistics.

  7. Environmental Considerations: Tinka Resources prioritizes environmental stewardship and responsible mining practices in its exploration activities. The company adheres to strict environmental regulations and engages with stakeholders to address environmental concerns and minimize impacts.

  8. Market Outlook: The Ayawilca Zinc Project is strategically positioned to benefit from the growing demand for zinc, lead, and silver in global markets. With its significant mineralization and favorable jurisdiction, the project holds promise for contributing to future mineral supply chains.


The Zinkgruvan Mine is a renowned underground zinc-lead-silver mine situated in the Bergslagen mining district of southern Sweden. Operated by Lundin Mining Corporation, it is one of the largest and most productive zinc mines in Europe.

Key points about the Zinkgruvan Mine:

  1. Location: Located in the province of Örebro, Sweden, the Zinkgruvan Mine is strategically positioned within the Bergslagen mining district, known for its rich history of base metal mining.

  2. Mineralization: The mine is known for its high-grade zinc-lead-silver mineralization, occurring within volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposits. The ore bodies are primarily composed of sphalerite (zinc), galena (lead), and silver minerals.

  3. Operations: Zinkgruvan employs modern underground mining methods, including mechanized drilling, blasting, and ore extraction techniques. The mine operates multiple shafts and underground workings to access the mineralized zones located at various depths.

  4. Production: The mine is a significant producer of zinc, lead, and silver concentrates, which are processed at Lundin Mining's smelters located in Sweden and other parts of Europe. Zinkgruvan plays a crucial role in meeting regional demand for these essential metals.

  5. Sustainability: Lundin Mining is committed to sustainable mining practices and environmental stewardship at Zinkgruvan. The company implements rigorous environmental management systems and invests in technologies to minimize its environmental footprint and conserve natural resources.

  6. Community Engagement: Lundin Mining engages with local communities through various social responsibility initiatives, including education, healthcare, infrastructure development, and livelihood enhancement programs. The company prioritizes stakeholder engagement and strives to create positive socio-economic impacts in the region.

  7. Future Development: With ongoing exploration and development activities, Zinkgruvan continues to extend its mine life and expand its mineral reserves. Lundin Mining invests in exploration drilling, resource delineation, and technology upgrades to optimize production and maintain its position as a leading producer of zinc, lead, and silver in Europe.

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